IT WAS a hot, sunny day, but that didn’t sap the energy from the Youthlink/Honey Bun High Achievers School Tour at Waterford High School, located at 94 Waterford Parkway, St Catherine, on November 5. The smiling faces welcomed the team, and the energetic students to whom they belong were ready and willing to help the team to set up for the full force of the tour that was to come.
The event began with upbeat, vibrant, popular music pumping from the sound boxes atop the Youthlink trucks that drew the attention of many of the students in the school yard. To the left of all the excitement, some students were flocking the area where the booths were set up for Youthlink, Honeybun and Sparkling CranWATA. Excited and enthused to purchase their Youthlink, each student received either a cinnamon roll, a doughnut or a
cheese bread from Honey Bun, along with a sparkling CranWATA to drink.
“The doughnut is so soft and easy to eat, and yummy! I also like the sparkling CranWATA because it has a soda feel, but I know that it is much healthier than a bottle of soda. I just love the day’s events, and I received my Youthlink so I can learn more about my topics in school, so that is a plus!” declared Tiana Steele.
In keeping with the name of the tour, high achievers, many of the school’s most hard-working students, were highlighted and presented with gifts as a sign of appreciation and encouragement for their diligence, and to fill them with renewed motivation to continue doing well academically. Boys and girls from first to fifth form were awarded, but the student who received the $10,000 prize was the current head girl. She was delighted.
“I am elated that my school had the opportunity to be a part of this tour, and I am honoured that I am able to receive this award. This has motivated me to do so much better in school, and to try my best to achieve greatness,” she exclaimed.
The day’s events also featured a dance competition and it was hard to choose a winner, but second-form student Alicia Bryan was eventually selected. After she was presented with her prize, the boys’ competition began, but this time the winner was clear as day. When first-former Jamar Hall started moving, his energy was contagious.
By the end of the day, one of the teachers had this to say: “I absolutely love the visit! I did not get to see everything; however, what I saw and what I was informed about show that the day went well. I am thankful for the visit, and the visit shows that the school is heading in the direction that I want to go with this school.”
The tour is sponsored by Honey Bun, The Gleaner’s Youthlink, Squeezz and Sparkling CranWATA. It started on October 23 and will continue to December 6.