
FLOW gives support to Girls in ICT Day Hackathon

Kareem LaTouche, Youthlink Coordinator

MORE THAN 800 girls  across four Caribbean  countries – Jamaica,  Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago,  and St Vincent and the Grenadines  – came together for an immersive  experience in technology in  celebration of the International  Telecommunication Union (ITU)  Girls in ICT Day, on Thursday,  April 26.    

Locally, FLOW partnered with  SheLeadsIT Consulting,  Changemakers Development, and  other sponsors to host more than  300 secondary- and tertiary-level  female students for a hackathon  hosted at the University of the  West Indies, Mona campus. The  hackathon provided an  opportunity for high-school and  tertiary-level students to get    Sola Hines (third from  left), senior director of  legal services at FLOW,  presents the second-place  prize of $125,000,  courtesy of the company  to a team of students from  Immaculate Conception  High who participated in  the Caribbean Girls  Hackathon.

interactive and hands-on  experience in the use of digital  skills to solve social challenges.  Kayon Mitchell, director of  corporate communications and  stakeholder management, shares  that while several technical roles  are filled by women at FLOW and  throughout the wider local  telecommunications industry, there  is still room for more.  “Regionally, the sector is marked  by a pressing need for a wide range  of ICT talents, and this means that  highly qualified women in  technical fields have significant  opportunities available to them.  Girls in ICT Day is an opportunity  for us to present the career options  in the telecommunications  industry to female students each  year, and as Jamaica’s leading fullservice  telecommunications firm,  we are able to provide real-life  examples of fulfilling careers in  ICT right here on Jamaican soil,”  Mitchell highlights.

 Students from Westwood High  School in Trelawny emerged atop  the secondary category, while a  team of five from Northern  Caribbean University took the  main prize in the tertiary category.  Prizes included cash, Google Home  devices, and internships at FLOW.

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