Guest Speaker engaging in a discussion
Katalyxt continued training by hosting the second sensitization workshop for the Katalyxt year 2017/18 Youth Innovators’ Competition at the Ministry of Education’s Regional Office in Browns Town, St Ann on February 22, 2018 under the theme “Planting the Seed of Entrepreneurship in Fertile Soil.”
The drive to the home of the Ministry of Education's office in Region 3 took the Katalyxt team one hour and forty five minutes from Kingston, driving on the North to South Highway, before existing at Runaway Bay then taking a left turn along winding pothole filled stretch to Browns Town.
As we entered the gates of the office, we felt the excitement as teams were arriving and the students had the sense of "something special was about to happen”; their expectation was realized. Approximately forty students and sixteen teachers filled the meeting room. The hard working Senior Education Officer Ms Karlene Segree noted that the event was “Oversold."
Katalyxt team member Mrs. Nordia Black welcomed the participants, opening the session giving God thanks for another opportunity to share. The team leader, Ms Winsome Minott delivered one of her memorable challenges, featuring the lives of Jamaican Real Life entrepreneurs including Karl Hendrickson, Robert Levy and Tyrone Wilson. The journeys of these entrepreneurs demonstrate challenges entrepreneurs face, highlighting the importance of overcoming challenges through: motivation, networking, perseverance, offering quality products/services, and employing innovative marketing techniques. Minott stressed the importance of working hard as well as saving to achieve success in businesses.
The Guest Speaker Mr Damien Williams, a passionate and gifted speaker underscored the need for self motivation. He encouraged each young entrepreneur to find their passion early because a man's passion is tied to his/her purpose. Williams shared his troubled childhood but more importantly it was his overarching trials that propelled him to tap into his gifts.
Students participated keenly in the training session and learned steps to be adopted to ensure placement in the top ten entries. The team leader in closing reminded the students of the importance of saving and commitment. The students enthusiastically voiced the YIC mantra, ‘We are innovators, we are job creators, we are the best of the best of the region, we are worthy!’
The schools represented at the sensitization workshop included:
- Westwood High School
- York Castle High School
- St Mary Technical High School
- Muschett High School
- St Hilda’s Diocesan High School
- Cedric Titus High School
- Aabuthnott Gallimore High School
- Brown’s Town High School
- William Knibb Memorial High School
- Albert Town High School
- Ferncourt High School
- Mount Alvernia High School
- Steer Town Academy