The number 21-seed Dinthill Technical High School from St Catherine went up against number 44-seed Anchovy High School from St James and came out as the winner of match 14 of the 50th season of TVJ’s Schools’ Challenge Quiz. Dinthill Technical High School won the toss but allowed Anchovy High School to go first.
Anchovy went on the score board first, taking the lead; however, they soon lost momentum from giving too many incorrect answers. Dinthill, on the other hand, had a slow start to the match, but soon closed the gap that was being created. The Opening Challenge ended with Anchovy on four points and Dinthill Technical on three points.
By the second round of the match, Anchovy lost the lead to Dinthill Technical. Even though Anchovy attempted their questions, the majority of the responses were incorrect, receiving only eight more points to end the Speed Challenge with 12 points. Dinthill Technical took the lead by the second minute of the speed section. The team responded “pass” for most of the questions posed in the round, but ended the segment one point ahead of Anchovy, on 13 points.
The final round of the match was without surprises. Dinthill Technical High School held on to the lead and ended the game on 19 points, while Anchovy High School decreased their total by two points, finishing the match with 10 points.
Romon Williams, coach of Dinthill Technical High School, congratulated his school for their performance. “Dinthill played to the best of their ability and now we are going home to work for the next match,” he said.
Jerome Thomas, coach of Anchovy High School, said that nervousness was the reason for the loss, “It’s not that they (Anchovy quiz team) did not know the material, but they were a bit timid and shy, and it is possible that nerves got the better of them in this match.” He further stated that the team representing the school is a new one and that they will be better next season.