Spectators of all ages gather to watch our high schoolers battle for dominance in one of Jamaica’s most cherished events, Champs. From March 20-24 this year our National Stadium will be packed with tension as each person roots for their favourite schools competing in the ISSA/Grace Kennedy Boys and Girls Championships. In attending such a lively event, persons will want to ensure that they have all the knowledge and materials needed to thoroughly enjoy their time - pay attention to this list of Champs must-haves to do just that!
7. Voovoozella – It’s guaranteed that three-quarters of Champs supporters will be joyfully blowing this their support through this very distinct-sounding horn. In order to participate in such wild fun and also ensure that your own school spirit will be heard over the crowd, carry your voovoozella and keep it glued to your hand. The horns are sold in a multitude of colours to facilitate the supports of each school.
6. Garments in your schools’ colours – this could be a tie, handkerchief, flag, hair band, crest, school shirt or even your entire outfit. Carry multiple garments if possible as you’re likely to lose items like handkerchiefs and wristbands in the rush and excitement of Champs. Remember that the colours you sport represent the school you support and the entire reason you’re at Champs; so they’re important!
5. Champs schedule – this piece of paper lists all races of every category and the time they will be held. Carry your schedule and pay attention to it so that you don’t miss an important races. Keep your schedule in a safe place so that it doesn’t crush or get wet as you’re moving around. It might be wise to carry two in case one gets lost.
4. Money – items such as food and drinks are not typically allowed inside the arena for Boys and Girls Champs. However they will be on sale once you get inside so ensure that you have enough money to purchase refreshments.
3. An extra pair of shoes – this might sound like a little too much but you better believe that in a crowd with hundreds of feet shuffling around in excitement, shoes are at stake. If you want to avoid the hassle of having to carry around a pair of shoes, just stick to wearing, sneakers, loafers, boots or a pair of sturdy flats.
2. An umbrella – regular Champs goers report that it mysteriously always seems to rain on at least one day of the Champs events. Seeing as the National Stadium does not have a roof, spectators will have to endure the elements while trying to keep the excitement alive for their schools’ athletes. Carry an umbrella and don’t let the rain ruin your fun. The umbrella can also work for periods of glaring sunlight.
1. A friend – Champs will be no fun if you have no one you actually know to cheer with. Take you loudest most spirited friend to yell and cheer for your schools with. Even if your friend supports different schools from you, some say that makes it all the more fun. Healthy arguments and competition build the vibes at Champs. If you can take an entire group of friends with you, even better!